Post by fidella on Nov 5, 2005 23:05:20 GMT 7
[03/11/05] 周杰伦被指江郎才尽 新专辑中多首歌涉嫌抄袭
[03/11/05] Jay being accused of copying other's compositions in his new album
亚洲音乐才子周杰伦自上张专辑《七里香》后,经过一年多的精心筹备,新专辑《11月的肖邦》以全新的风格为 众多歌迷所追捧。
Asia's music talent Jay Chou has released his latest album, November's Chopin after preparing the album for a year.
正当各方理所当然地等待周大才子又一次被称赞音乐才能、传出唱片大卖的消息时,昨日,一位网友指出,周杰伦 新专辑中的一首歌《四面楚歌》的作曲有抄袭嫌疑,而“盗用”的正是名为GSindikatas组合曾经发过 的一支单曲,名为《Muzikakurisaugo》。
Just when everyone is about to praise Jay's music talents and breaking the news of his new album topping charts, someone mentioned that "Si Mian Chu Ge" (Besieged) tune is similar to a song《Muzikakurisaugo》released by a group, GSindikatas. Thus, Jay was being accused of copying the tune of the song.
这条消息来自一网络帖子,一位网友表示,周杰伦新专辑中的歌曲《四面楚歌》与2004年“立陶宛”的演唱组 合GSindikatas的一首单曲非常相似,尤其是里面的小提琴旋律几乎一样,Rap更是相类似,虽然作 曲写的是周杰伦,但他做的工作不过是将MIDI重新编曲而已,帖子还表示希望周杰伦要尊重别人的创作成果。
This news comes from a forum's thread. Someone from the thread mentioned that "Si Mian Chu Ge" (Besieged) and GSindikatas's song is similar especially the violin's tune and the rap. Although the composer is stated as Jay Chou, but the work he only did was to use the MIDI and remade the music arrangement. The person also mentioned that he hopes Jay could respect other composer's compositions.
该帖一出,引发网上大讨论,有人还指周董的歌曲与林肯公园组合成员Mike的一首《Believeme》也 相近。众多讨论,令很多人质疑“周董”是否已是江郎才尽。
When the thread was posted, many people started discussing about the issue. Someone also mentioned that Jay's song is also similar to the song《Believe Me》sung by a member of Linkin Park, Mike (Fort Minor). The discussions led many doubt if Jay really copied the compositions.
《四面楚歌》是周杰伦新专辑“热点”很高的歌曲,因歌词影射“狗仔队”而备受关注,歌词中“他们咬着苹果, 手里拿着长镜头……他说他是为了狗周刊,看能不能拍我,多换几根骨头”的“生猛”词语,十分直 白。
"Si Mian Chu Ge" (Besieged) is one of the hottest song in Jay's new album as the lyrics mentioned about paparazzis. (They extracted the lyrics from the song therefore I didn't translate them).
谁料歌词引起的争议还未平息,此番作曲又被质疑抄袭。记者听过两个版本后,发现两首歌的有些地方以及整体的 风格的确有相似之处。随后记者联系了周杰伦唱片发行方,其工作人员很谨慎地表示没有听到这样的消息,不予回 答。
Discussions about the lyrics have yet to calm and another news of Jay copying other compositions have started to heat up. After the reporters heard the two songs, they realised that both are similar to Jay's song. Thereafter, the reporters contacted Jay's recording company and the workers there mentioned that they didn't hear of the above news and therefore did not reply to the reporters.
在国外学音乐的歌手王珏在说唱音乐方面应该是专业人士了,说起说唱歌手抄袭的问题,王珏很直率地说:“现在 内地以及港台说唱音乐的水平都还很低,所以学习别人好的东西,这个过程是很需要的,节奏和中间的编曲以及标 识下的旋律是不可能完全相同的,只要不是完全雷同,是可以借鉴的。”
Wang Yu, who studied music overseas said that singing music is already professional. Mentioning about the copying issue she said that the standard of music in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan is not high therefore the process of copying others is needed. Rhythms, music arrangement and the tune cannot be exactly the same. As long as it is not totally the same, other compositions can be taken as a reference.
Wang Yu mentioned that China's music is still under the learning process, and there isn't a need to discuss about the copying issue.
王珏认为:“周杰伦的说唱音乐做得很好,他虽然不是一个职业说唱歌手,但是他掌握了说唱的旋律,这是很重要 的,中国字的四个音调不是读准了就可以唱好说唱音乐的,很多人都只懂说,周杰伦却是做到了唱,这一点就很难 得了。”
Wang Yu feels that Jay has done well in the rapping parts. Although he is not a professional rapper, he has controlled the rhythm of rapping which is important. Pronouncing correctly the Chinese "pinyin" (meaning chinese phonetics) does not mean that rapping could be done well. Alot of people said that Jay is done well in the singing part which is already not an easy task.
[03/11/05] Jay being accused of copying other's compositions in his new album
亚洲音乐才子周杰伦自上张专辑《七里香》后,经过一年多的精心筹备,新专辑《11月的肖邦》以全新的风格为 众多歌迷所追捧。
Asia's music talent Jay Chou has released his latest album, November's Chopin after preparing the album for a year.
正当各方理所当然地等待周大才子又一次被称赞音乐才能、传出唱片大卖的消息时,昨日,一位网友指出,周杰伦 新专辑中的一首歌《四面楚歌》的作曲有抄袭嫌疑,而“盗用”的正是名为GSindikatas组合曾经发过 的一支单曲,名为《Muzikakurisaugo》。
Just when everyone is about to praise Jay's music talents and breaking the news of his new album topping charts, someone mentioned that "Si Mian Chu Ge" (Besieged) tune is similar to a song《Muzikakurisaugo》released by a group, GSindikatas. Thus, Jay was being accused of copying the tune of the song.
这条消息来自一网络帖子,一位网友表示,周杰伦新专辑中的歌曲《四面楚歌》与2004年“立陶宛”的演唱组 合GSindikatas的一首单曲非常相似,尤其是里面的小提琴旋律几乎一样,Rap更是相类似,虽然作 曲写的是周杰伦,但他做的工作不过是将MIDI重新编曲而已,帖子还表示希望周杰伦要尊重别人的创作成果。
This news comes from a forum's thread. Someone from the thread mentioned that "Si Mian Chu Ge" (Besieged) and GSindikatas's song is similar especially the violin's tune and the rap. Although the composer is stated as Jay Chou, but the work he only did was to use the MIDI and remade the music arrangement. The person also mentioned that he hopes Jay could respect other composer's compositions.
该帖一出,引发网上大讨论,有人还指周董的歌曲与林肯公园组合成员Mike的一首《Believeme》也 相近。众多讨论,令很多人质疑“周董”是否已是江郎才尽。
When the thread was posted, many people started discussing about the issue. Someone also mentioned that Jay's song is also similar to the song《Believe Me》sung by a member of Linkin Park, Mike (Fort Minor). The discussions led many doubt if Jay really copied the compositions.
《四面楚歌》是周杰伦新专辑“热点”很高的歌曲,因歌词影射“狗仔队”而备受关注,歌词中“他们咬着苹果, 手里拿着长镜头……他说他是为了狗周刊,看能不能拍我,多换几根骨头”的“生猛”词语,十分直 白。
"Si Mian Chu Ge" (Besieged) is one of the hottest song in Jay's new album as the lyrics mentioned about paparazzis. (They extracted the lyrics from the song therefore I didn't translate them).
谁料歌词引起的争议还未平息,此番作曲又被质疑抄袭。记者听过两个版本后,发现两首歌的有些地方以及整体的 风格的确有相似之处。随后记者联系了周杰伦唱片发行方,其工作人员很谨慎地表示没有听到这样的消息,不予回 答。
Discussions about the lyrics have yet to calm and another news of Jay copying other compositions have started to heat up. After the reporters heard the two songs, they realised that both are similar to Jay's song. Thereafter, the reporters contacted Jay's recording company and the workers there mentioned that they didn't hear of the above news and therefore did not reply to the reporters.
在国外学音乐的歌手王珏在说唱音乐方面应该是专业人士了,说起说唱歌手抄袭的问题,王珏很直率地说:“现在 内地以及港台说唱音乐的水平都还很低,所以学习别人好的东西,这个过程是很需要的,节奏和中间的编曲以及标 识下的旋律是不可能完全相同的,只要不是完全雷同,是可以借鉴的。”
Wang Yu, who studied music overseas said that singing music is already professional. Mentioning about the copying issue she said that the standard of music in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan is not high therefore the process of copying others is needed. Rhythms, music arrangement and the tune cannot be exactly the same. As long as it is not totally the same, other compositions can be taken as a reference.
Wang Yu mentioned that China's music is still under the learning process, and there isn't a need to discuss about the copying issue.
王珏认为:“周杰伦的说唱音乐做得很好,他虽然不是一个职业说唱歌手,但是他掌握了说唱的旋律,这是很重要 的,中国字的四个音调不是读准了就可以唱好说唱音乐的,很多人都只懂说,周杰伦却是做到了唱,这一点就很难 得了。”
Wang Yu feels that Jay has done well in the rapping parts. Although he is not a professional rapper, he has controlled the rhythm of rapping which is important. Pronouncing correctly the Chinese "pinyin" (meaning chinese phonetics) does not mean that rapping could be done well. Alot of people said that Jay is done well in the singing part which is already not an easy task.